D&RG, D&RGW, RGW, RGS, and Moffat lines. Narrow and standard gauge (emphasis on the narrow gauge circle) from 1871 to present. Over 200 Town descriptions with history, USGS maps, yard drawings. Over 3000 images of rolling stock, bridges, buildings, towns, mines, etc. Includes interactive software browser that is fully searchable by keyword, index, or contents. CAD drawings of buildings, bridges, etc. you can view and print to any scale. Hours of high quality MPEG2 video, Slide Shows, Walk Throughs, Sounds, Clip Art, Track Profiles. Complete ebooks: 1922
DRG USGS summary, 1930s travel book, 1925 employee magazines, 1930s rule book, 1950s MOW standard drawings, locomotive catalog, time tables, equipment rosters, and on and on...
Here is what they are saying:
"I was floored with the amount of information
I found on the major narrow gauge lines in Colorado... This is a useful
tool for your modeling and railfanning endeavors."
Don Heimburger, Editor, "Sn3 Modeler" magazine,
Spring/Summer 2006 Issue.
"What a wonderful resource for the modeler, rail fan, and
Colorado historian! ...I found depots, a neat gallows turntable,
bridges, and coaling facilities all worth modeling. ...I had fun
searching for plans and found it easy to access and print them in
1/4-inch scale."
Bob Brown, Editor,
"Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette" magazine, Nov/Dec 2005
- Videos & Sounds
- Slide Shows
- Walk Throughs
- CAD Drawings, Drawings
- 1930s rule book
- 1952 MOW standard
- 1910 Baldwin
Locomotive Catalog
- Clip Art
- Time Tables
- History of the Railroad
Content on the DVD is fully searchable by keyword and you don't have
to go on-line and wait to see it.
Think about it, if you were to purchase all the content on this DVD separately,
it would cost you many thousands of dollars, if you can even find it for
sell! Then you have to search through all those books to find what you
want, many of which don't even have an Index or Table of Contents. And,
you still won't get the big picture.
$99.95 + S&H Click Here to
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- MPEG2 capability
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- DVD player
- Mouse
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