Here is a famous structure on
the D&RG. Tall timbers make the majestic Coal Tipple in the
Chama yard one of the highest on the railroad. The delicate weaving of
massive wooden columns is a great reminder of the railroad builders skill.
The Coal Tipple has withstood all that nature has dealt since 1924. Coal
is delivered to the hungry mountain locomotives when they pull beneath the
chute in front of the Tipple. A clever drive-over car dump hopper and
double-bucket hoist in the back of the Coal Tipple fill the 75 ton coal bin.
Inside the mechanical building at the base of the Coal Tipple, an oil
burning engine provides the power needed to lift the coal over 50 feet into
the bin.

Download Chama coal
tipple 1.exe (113kb)
files require Cadrail Version
9 or the Cadrail Demo to view and print.
How to use these
self-extracting files |

Tipple at Chama, NM

Side View Close-up
Free bonus
This version of the tipple drawing with all
views and details is not on the Cadrail CD.
This drawing is only found here and on the
D&RG MAK DVD from Sandia
Software. On the DVD there are more details and photos of this and many
more structures.